Thing 4 Lesson 7

I signed up for Google Reader–piece of cake and very nice way to keep things organized. I’ve subscribed to only 4 because honestly I already haven’t kept up with these since I signed up a few days ago. I do think I might be more likely do follow things in a dedicated space rather than getting things in with my other email, as I have in the past. In email I usually seem to get caught up in something I have to respond to, end up saving articles I mean to read for later and then run out of time and eventually delete unread things from my enormous inbox.

My picks are “Books on the Nightstand” and “The Picnic Basket,” both of which I read about on another 23 Things blog. Also “Educating Alice” which I first looked at because of I like the name and then found it to be very interesting with a lot of different kinds of info. The 4th is Lisa Belkin’s “Motherlode” because I love her and don’t get around to reading her articles often enough and I thought this might help with that. Admittedly not specifically library-related…

1 Comment

  1. Ann Kingman said,

    January 8, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    Thanks so much for including Books on the Nightstand on your “23 Things” journey. We’re honored that you chose us as one of your RSS feeds!

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